Code for Philly volunteers give back to our community by donating their skills and time towards not-for-profit, civic-minded, open source projects. Browse our community’s project directory to identify where you can volunteer.

New to Volunteering?

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FYI - All our Projects 101 content is open source. Submit your own pull request to make it better with your own suggestions!

Remember, you’re a part of a national community of civic hackers

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My Philly Drifting

My Philly

My Philly is a site designed to make it easier to find and interact with the Registered Community Organizations (RCOs) of Philadelphia. It enables users to search their address, and find which RCOs apply to where they live. It also provides a coverage map to explore the city and see which areas could use more love.

 Public Site  Developers

Dat Jawn Bootstrapping

Goal: Version Control for Data on the Distributed Web

We are creating an open-source adapter to allow Noms to store its data on IPFS. This trio of technologies will provide top-to-bottom support for distributed version control of tabular data.

Secondary Goal: A model project for mentorship and collaborative learning

We are structuring this project with a strong emphasis on mentorship and group learning so that it can function as a setting where people become great software engineers by contributing to this open source…

 Public Site  Developers

Stormfighter Commenting

Stormfighter is a mapping project designed to optimize the Philadelphia Water Department's efforts in mitigating sewer overflow during rainstorms. The project identifies Water Department-installed stormwater mitigation technologies (such as green roofs, tree trenches, and rain barrels) overlaid on a graduated map of the city's permeable surfaces. This provides data on places where permeability is low, but stormwater mitigation technologies are not installed - in other words, places where flooding is most likely to occur.


MyPark Drifting

This project was developed during the Philly Ecocamp 2014.

This goal of this web application was to strengthen the relationship between community members and the public parks in their area. We fused GIS data provided by the Parks Department and projected it on to OpenStreetMap with the intention of producing a useful tool for engagement with local parks .

Community Involvement

  • Report problems with a park
  • Upload/View photos
  • Suggest/Vote on community projects
  • Post meet-ups on a park-specific community bulletin
 Public Site  Developers

Parkadelphia (Street Parking in Philadelphia) Commenting

Street Parking Philadelphia

Note: Project in discovery phase.

Street parking dataset for kiosk-metered zones has been requested from Streets department, likely ETA is 2015. Intended scope will cover creating a method to parse/manipulate dataset into usable format for API development, then UI development including a map visualization, searchable zone information such as allowed time period, cost per hour, kiosk locations and residential permit areas. Updates will follow when data is available.

Preliminary Data Points

  • Residential Parking Permit Districts _No set exists…
 Public Site  Developers

250 Miles Crossing Philadelphia Commenting

Short description of project

'250 Miles Crossing Philadelphia' will be a location based film in Google Earth: a NavDoc (Navigation Documentary) This NavDoc will consist of synchronized sound recordings and GPS tracks.

We aim to produce a film of 25-40 minutes and an interactive on line presentation of the work.

Examples of our approach can be found on:

These examples are now presented as vimeo films, but we plan to present the film online as kml/kmz file directly running in Google Earth via…

 Public Site

Map-based data visualizer Commenting

This project originally was going to start by trying to visualize school budget data. However, the budget data did not contain amounts per school, just for broad-based categories. Instead, we chose to develop a map-based visualization project using test score data which did have details at the school level.

Currently, only a Windows 8 app is being written. It would be nice to have a web-based mapping solution as well.

Philadelphia Land Inventory for Urban Agriculture (Vacant and Underutilized Land) Commenting

Vacant Land Inventory Post for Code for Philly


The Philadelphia Vacant Land Inventory is an ArcGIS-based mapping tool that will be used to document specific characteristics about vacant and underutilized land lots in Philadelphia. Using a set of databases that already exist on a number of criteria (anything from zoning code to shade cover), the goal is to create an online mapping tool for interested parties to identify plots that are suitable for growing food and plants. This will be Phase I of a two-step process in which we will use the first map to identify plots that…

 Public Site  Developers

ArcConsole Maintaining

ArcConsole is a simple, intuitive console for the ArcGIS Server REST API. It's intended for people not familiar with the ArcGIS REST API or users that want to get their data quickly and move on with their application. It does this by making some decisions for you, like for instance since you're on the internet the spatial reference you're using is probably WGS 84 (4326). It also uses JavaScript libraries like Chosen and Leaflet Draw to help you construct your query parameters how you need them.

 Public Site  Developers