Code for Philly volunteers give back to our community by donating their skills and time towards not-for-profit, civic-minded, open source projects. Browse our community’s project directory to identify where you can volunteer.

New to Volunteering?

If you’re new to volunteering or creating your own project, please check out our Projects 101 Blueprint slides.

For detailed advice on starting your own project, check out our own github ‘getting started’ project repo.

FYI - All our Projects 101 content is open source. Submit your own pull request to make it better with your own suggestions!

Remember, you’re a part of a national community of civic hackers

Check out Code for America’s project page for more opportunities to volunteer or for inspiration on the next project to start here in Philly.

Looking for our Code for Philly Civic Cloud hosting information?

Check out our documentation and github workflow here

Philly Elder Helpers Hibernating

PROBLEM: Inability to perform simple home maintenance or repairs makes it harder for seniors to age in place.

PROPOSAL: Groups of volunteers could be organized to help interested seniors in a particular area at some time window.


  • Functional website with basic user flow
  • Research into related services and/or organizations
  • Gauge of interest among seniors (potentially, list of interested seniors)
  • Information gathering from volunteer organizations

Snowcap.Me Hibernating


In just the last few years, Capital One, TJX Companies, Sears, The Home Deport, and Equifax have all been hacked, exposing hundreds of millions of consumer credit files to bad actors. New credit cards, loans, or other lending accounts could be opened with that information, unless you freeze your credit. Freezing your credit is one of the best ways you can protect yourself from identity theft and fraud. You can still use your cards and accounts normally when your credit is frozen, and if you need to apply for new account, you can unfreeze it.

Sadly, there is no central…

 Public Site

Reach: SMS Hotline & Integrated Case Management System Hibernating

Reach: SMS Hotline Platform with Integrated Case Management System

This is an SMS Hotline platform developed to facilitate a Warm Handoff to treatment services for overdose survivors. Reach connects people in need with service professionals at any hour of the day and across geographic barriers using SMS.

Reach's integrated case management systems allows for the collection of de-identified data which can be analyzed to find gaps in services, and inform needs assessments and feasibility studies for the expansion and creation of services tailored to community needs.

Together, this…

 Public Site  Developers

UliftU Website Redesign Hibernating

UliftU is a community organization that seeks to provide re-entering citizens with the skills and certifications necessary to become Crossfit coaches. The organization is relatively new and has made a preliminary website designed to communicate their goals and purposes to both partners and potential participants.

They are seeking to update the website to make pertinent information more accessible to their potential partners and participants, allow UliftU to recruit partners and participants, increase website SEO, and make it easier for anyone to update the site to have the most…

 Public Site

Philadelphia Lawyers for Social Equity - Criminal Record Expungement & Pardons Testing

Philadelphia Lawyers for Social Equity (PLSE) is a non-profit legal aid organization that focuses on helping people overcome the barriers they face as a result of criminal records.

The project we are currently working on is building out an expungement petition generator for PLSE. The application takes in PDFs of clients' criminal dockets and returns fully formatted petitions to expunge the clients' criminal records. Having a clear criminal record helps those clients to better find work, housing, and services.

This project is built with React.js, Django, PostgreSQL, and MySQL. A…

 Public Site

Prevention Point Unified Reporting System Hibernating

Prevention Point is a private nonprofit organization providing harm reduction services to Philadelphia and the surrounding area.

Currently, they are storing data from their programs in separate Excel spreadsheets, disparate EHRs, and partner data systems. This prevents them from being able to see all activities associated with an individual program participant, and also makes it impossible for them to do meaningful analyses that monitor program health and evaluate efforts.

This project would work to migrate all of the disparate data sources into one system,…


PHLASK: An Ecosystem For Finding and Sharing Resources in Philadelphia Hibernating

PHLASK: An Ecosystem For Finding and Sharing Resources in Philadelphia

Life-sustaining resources should remain abundant, clean and accessible to everyone. The PHLASK mission is to help people find publicly available resources, and to encourage private enterprises to provide access to excess resources - simply by PHLasking. Hoarding and privatizing access to life-sustaining resources is inefficient, wasteful and inhumane. We hope to help amplify growing efforts to normalize resource sharing and challenge the ethics of enterprises who exploit the public commons for profiteering.

If you…

 Public Site  Developers