Code for Philly volunteers give back to our community by donating their skills and time towards not-for-profit, civic-minded, open source projects. Browse our community’s project directory to identify where you can volunteer.

New to Volunteering?

If you’re new to volunteering or creating your own project, please check out our Projects 101 Blueprint slides.

For detailed advice on starting your own project, check out our own github ‘getting started’ project repo.

FYI - All our Projects 101 content is open source. Submit your own pull request to make it better with your own suggestions!

Remember, you’re a part of a national community of civic hackers

Check out Code for America’s project page for more opportunities to volunteer or for inspiration on the next project to start here in Philly.

Looking for our Code for Philly Civic Cloud hosting information?

Check out our documentation and github workflow here

SquadQuest Testing

SquadQuest is a different kind of civic technology project—designed to help people better connect with their communities and have more fun!

You can think of it like a realtime version of, or Facebook Events without the Facebook. Use it to discover small community events centered on activities that interest you and more easily rally your friends to get together out in the real world.

SquadQuest is currently usable and looking for contributors of all kinds

 Public Site  Developers

Siuba: fast, flexible data science with python Testing

This project has two major goals:

  • help people learn data science with python.
  • build siuba into fast and friendly tool for data analysis.

It can be hard to get started analyzing data, so a major piece will be figuring out some format for teaching beginners (e.g. running weekly analysis sessions, workshops, etc..).


siuba is an open source python library designed for quick, interactive data analysis. It's a port of the tidyverse from R to python, and supports a tabular data…

 Public Site  Developers

CHIME: COVID-19 Hospital Impact Model for Epidemics Testing

Hey! If you're at this page you're hopefully looking to help out with the CHIME project. Please join us in Slack or on github to join in!

Help needed

In order to ensure the CHIME team can focus on modeling and interacting with stakeholders, we're looking for help filling the following roles:

  • Project / product management: help with organizing the project. Help make sure that work around explaining and improving the CHIME dashboard is well organized. Help us document the project so volunteers can contribute.

  • Devops: help ensure that the dashboard can handle the…

 Public Site  Developers

Tools for Sealing and Expunging Criminal Records in Pennsylvania Testing

Clean Slate Buddy

Community Legal Services is a private nonprofit that provides civil legal representation to thousands of low-income Philadelphians every year. CLS's Employment Unit helps clients' secure employment by expunging and sealing criminal records. CLS also maintains the Expungement Generator, a web application that nonprofits across the state use to automate creating and filing expungement petitions.

In 2018, Pennsylvania's legislature enacted Clean Slate, which provides for automated sealing of 30 million + criminal cases. Clean Slate also created rules for…

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Philadelphia Lawyers for Social Equity - Criminal Record Expungement & Pardons Testing

Philadelphia Lawyers for Social Equity (PLSE) is a non-profit legal aid organization that focuses on helping people overcome the barriers they face as a result of criminal records.

The project we are currently working on is building out an expungement petition generator for PLSE. The application takes in PDFs of clients' criminal dockets and returns fully formatted petitions to expunge the clients' criminal records. Having a clear criminal record helps those clients to better find work, housing, and services.

This project is built with React.js, Django, PostgreSQL, and MySQL. A…

 Public Site

Philly Zoning Maps Testing

Philadelphia Zoning Analysis

The goal of this project is to map and analyze Philadelphia zoning, particularly the impact of the reforms that were implemented in 2012.


Silly Utility Testing

Silly Utility

Compare utility bills with neighbors.


You're a Comcast customer for 33 years… but someone else on your block gets better service for less money.

Companies charge whatever they want… they make you buy phone service and you don't even have a phone.


We help negotiate your bill.

See what your neighbors pay, and call to ask for the same deal.


Philly — Works in Philadelphia, PA and surrounding neighborhoods.

It's free — We do not charge money for this service.


 Public Site  Developers

Stately Testing

Form-driven workflow engine. Making city government better, one form at a time.

Government, like many organizations, have a ton of processes. For example:

  • Leave request
    • employee submits form, manager approves, entry is able to be looked up later
  • Travel request
    • like leave request, but director must also approve, and if >$500, CFO must approve
  • New hire onboarding
    • multiple tasks that can be completed asynchronously. perhaps when all 3 tasks are done, the 4th task is able to begin
  • Contract
    • Document-oriented (w/signature) vs content-oriented
  • Freedom of…

Not in Philly Testing

Not in Philly

Being built in the open at

Nice write up on the project is at:

In return for a 6 month commitment to go out once a week to pick up the litter on a block, we supply citizens the resources (bags and a trash grabber) and incentives (gift cards drawn from member pics of their cleaned block #notinphilly on Instagram).

Drop us a line at We also like to chat on slack,

The to-do…

 Public Site  Developers

Septa Ninja Testing

  • Real time and accessibility problems can take time to reach SEPTA control center
  • Riders have ability to share issues quicker than workers can
  • Mimic and improve Boston’s civic transit app -
  • Create a "Waze-like" app for train issues that can reach riders in real time

Get set up - see our README page

For details of features/bugs you can work on go to Github issues

Here is the [Google docs…

 Public Site  Developers