Code for Philly volunteers give back to our community by donating their skills and time towards not-for-profit, civic-minded, open source projects. Browse our community’s project directory to identify where you can volunteer.

New to Volunteering?

If you’re new to volunteering or creating your own project, please check out our Projects 101 Blueprint slides.

For detailed advice on starting your own project, check out our own github ‘getting started’ project repo.

FYI - All our Projects 101 content is open source. Submit your own pull request to make it better with your own suggestions!

Remember, you’re a part of a national community of civic hackers

Check out Code for America’s project page for more opportunities to volunteer or for inspiration on the next project to start here in Philly.

Looking for our Code for Philly Civic Cloud hosting information?

Check out our documentation and github workflow here

Computer Vision for Prevention Point Forms Prototyping

Computer Vision for Prevention Point Forms

Prevention Point collects data via handwritten forms. This project seeks to use computer vision to eliminate the need to do data entry by hand.

This project is to design a piece of software to record information from scanned forms for Prevention Point. This project utilizes openCV and the Microsoft Azure API. Please contact the project lead on slack on how to get access the API key.

Main Project Parts

1. Form Intake Interface

There are several different types of forms that need to be scanned. The form intake…


Bicyclist Detector Prototyping

The aim of this project is to create a bicyclist detector. Given a video, the algorithm should detect the bicyclist within each frame of the video. Hopefully, this can be used to get bicyclist counts.