Over the last year Code for Philly has changed a lot, including the formation of an Executive Team. We’ve been trying to strike the balance of enough structure to provide support and make it easier for civic hackers of all varieties to get involved in our community while preserving the flexibility and organic development of projects driven by members from the bottom-up.

Corey 'Abe'  Abramson
Corey 'Abe' Abramson

Corey (affectionately referred to as “Honest Abe” or just “Abe”) has been working with the leadership team over the last few months to rethink how we communicate with members and the public. Corey has now officially joined the Code for Philly leadership team as the Communications Lead and will head up Code for Philly communications strategy and implementation. For anyone interested in working on this type of work either for a project or for CfP, Corey is an invaluable resource.

Currently working on web content strategy for Penn Medicine remotely from his Eugene, OR base, Corey has extensive professional experience in communications strategy. In his free time he blogs about media literacy and user privacy.

Interested in working on the communications task force with Corey or want communications help for your civic tech project? Email him at cabramson@codeforphilly.org or tweet him @cocus.

Join the community and check out our next event.