Our #Launchpad2018 project teams are hard at work. Below you can find links to their projects on Code for Philly’s website and a little information about them. If you’re interested in helping any of these project teams:

  • Reach out to them via their contact info on project pages
  • Let someone in Leadership at Code for Philly know of your interest, via slack or twitter, and we can direct you to the project team
  • Join the #Launchpad2018 channel in Code for Philly’s slack
  • Attend our Open House on Tuesday, project teams will be in attendance recruiting additional help

Launchpad 2018 Projects

Garden Hero

Garden Hero’s goal is to build a web application “to help community gardens better manage their resources in order to cultivate a better community of gardeners.” The project idea came to Code for Philly from two community garden managers at Hansberry Garden.

My Brother’s Keeper

My Brother’s Keeper is a “response to the problem of lopsided inventory levels at donation centers serving Philadelphia’s homeless [population]”.

Cypher Philly

Cypher Philly aims to “harness” the full potential of open data to “inspire and equip citizen journalists, data enthusiasts and social activists with the tools and data to do good for the city and citizens of Philadelphia.” Their immediate goals involve building a web application tool to make it easier for contributors to work collaboratively.

Match Match Philly

Match Match Philly wants to make it easier for engaged citizens looking for volunteer opportunities to get recruited by the organizations that need them. The project seeks to “integrate the City of Philadelphia’s engagement data collection system (VAN) with its volunteer recruitment tool (VolunteerMatch).”

Philly Ward Leaders

The befuddling ward system in Philadelphia depends a lot on its complicated nature to frustrate voters and keep them from knowing, definitively, who is recommending candidates for office. This project, a collaboration between organizers at Code for Philly, Committee of 70, and Philly 3.0, will use open data and clear language to explain the ward system and its many intricacies to voters, empowering residents as they head to the polls.

Vote Wise

Vote Wise describes themselves as “a cross between OkCupid, Wikipedia, Facebook and Reddit but entirely dedicated to politics.” They are a “non-profit non-partisan website aimed at connecting voters and politicians without advertising dollars getting in the way.” Right now they’re looking for additional help scraping data from Mongo, so if you have any experience in that, reach out to their team ASAP.