We encourage everyone to join in on a project even if you didn’t attend the hackathon. Here is a list of all the active projects:

Project Goal Project Page Slack Channel
Anti-Gerrymandering To expose the effects of gerrymandering in Pennsylvania with a focus on creating a clear, interactive visualization of the problem and providing both educational and legal resources for those that want to raise awareness and take action against the issue. project slack
Leverage Started at our Democracy Hackathon last year, the team is back to focus on their next sprint. The hard deadline of a Demo Night helps to focus the team on short term goals during the month. Spent a lot of time learning more nuances of campaign finance reporting laws from Bryan McHale. project slack
Near Green Jawn Award winners from City as a Service Hackathon, they’re back to iterate on their maps and route directions. project slack
Open Seat Finder Provide a resource for Philadelphia residents to find open seats within their local government and learn about the requirements for running for a position. project slack
Philly Sample Ballots Crowdsource capturing those influential hand-outs at polling places project slack
RCO Website that helps people learn about Registered Community Organizations, and connect them with RCO’s in their neighborhood. project slack