


A collaborative space for Philadelphia's civic developers

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Project Activity

Update #21

Proposed Site Content Map

Home (designed)

  • Call to action/find a project/register
  • Success Stories – snippet p
  • News/results

Get involved

  • Projects 101 (includes stories link – designed)
  • Find a project
  • Find an event
  • Share your ideas


  • Link to slack (feed?)
  • Register/Member directory
  • Forum (but needs clearer messaging)

About CfP

  • Who we are (includes leadership team/link to national chapter)
  • What we do (general info/stories page)
  • Contact us (includes PR packet, contact triage)


Other Pages

Profile page (publicly vieawable)

  • Karma
  • Visit the about us page (newbie)
  • Uploading a profile photo
  • Complete Skills/status
  • Introduce yourself (post in the intro channel in slack or forum)
  • Visit/read the projects 101 page
  • Follow a project/search projects
  • Post in a project/join a project
  • Contribute to a project
  • Lead a project (Leader)

Personal feed for starred projects (privately viewable)

Update #20

Hello Code for Philly!

The Code for Philly website swat team is looking for a few more volunteers. If any of these match your skill set - and bringing to life the next generation of this website sounds interesting, contact our Product Owner, Maria Caruso (slack: a_priori_rainbows)!


  • Writer / Story Teller - To help with A) Crafting blog posts based upon interviewing our community members to showcase the great work and/or B) Help clarify and improve our existing website content
  • Visual designer - someone to help work with our front-end developers to design our new website theme. Preferably someone who has experience also working with HTML/CSS/Bootstrap themes.

Update #19

Laddr redesign project meeting notes – October 5th, 2017

Meeting attendees: Chris Alfano (CfP CTO), Rich McMillen (Projects Lead), Maria Caruso (Product Owner)

Overall goals of CfP website

  1. Connect people with projects (not just developers!)
  2. Create an open-source tool for brigade(s)
  3. Give teams the tools to ship projects
  4. Marketing to drive funding for projects
  5. Promote social engagement
  6. Advertise relevant community events

Redesign will be broken up into two phases

Phase 1 – approx. completion date of Jan 1st

  1. Focus on rebranding/language
  2. UX research
  3. Basic site map redesign (condensing nav, making access to existing projects/sign-up easier)

Phase 2

Desired Site Features

  1. Permissions system: would allow people to PM, restrict access to certain projects, etc. Possibly based on a “reputation” credits system, wherein people receive higher permissions by completing, managing, or contributing to projects
  2. Team messaging system: Find ways to make project team communication easier
    1. Possibly nix slack, or restrict channel creation to approved projects
    2. Move existing project communication to Github, reserving slack for initial project development coordination or community related discussions (gig-swap, random, events postings, etc.)
  3. Open projects repository: a searchable database of previously incomplete projects, where people can apply to manage a project and submit it for official approval
  4. A flow for projects approval: may include things like, documentation on what a good project looks like, an interactive checklist, etc.
  5. Project task tracker: Github will be used for this, but we should choose a GUI.
  6. Project application page: includes info on what a good project is
  7. Existing/in-progress/complete project repository
    1. Includes open-roles
    2. Users who are on the project, or not, can subscribe to updates
    3. Links to Github, displays open tasks that need completion
    4. Press related to projects
    5. Completed project page includes maintenance tasks/press updates

Potential Road Map for Phase 2 Completion

  1. Create application process for projects: permissions system may be required for this
    1. Eventually create role requirements integration with profile system (e.g. “This project needs 2 front-end devs, a designer, a UX specialist…”)
    2. Interactive checklist
  2. Clean house: determine which projects are “cold” and notify leaders of viable projects of new flow/application requirements. This may require recruiting people to vete projects.
  3. Create new profile system
    1. Tags for skills where users can specify their strength in skills. Possibly cap number of skills users can post
    2. Create targeted marketing based on skills
    3. Allow users to search for jobs within their skill set and apply for positions within projects
  4. Create Github GUI/project tracker for in-progress projects (example of a friendly editor UI for editing markdown content within a github repo:
  5. Create various searchable repositories (cold/in-progress/complete)
  6. Develop targeted marketing campaigns for open projects, sponsors, etc.

Update #16

Here's a buggy input box. I changed the Read me because I thought it had't been updated since April 2014. But maybe it had! Just not touched as a project update.

Added the top items on the to-do list and cleared a couple of done items or items that I moved up.

Update #15

Code for Philly can now track buzz — articles published about our projects. Buzz will show up in the site-wide and project-specific activity feeds, as well as on the dedicated buzz page.

To log some buzz, open the buzz create page and select the relevant project, or click the "Log Buzz" button next to a project's activity feed header

Update #13

You can now edit and delete project updates after you've posted them!

No more posting follow-ups to correct mistakes and no more excuses for sloppy markdown ;-)

The project editing and update editing forms are both equipped with EpicEditor now for easier markdown editing and preview

Update #11

Hello to all Code for Philly People. Here are some mockups of a design for the Code for Philly logo. I would like feedback when able.

Update #10

Some great updates tonight!

@ryon55 cleaned up the CSS for the sidebars and activity on the home page, and gave the members page some much-needed love

I implemented the bootstrap-tagsinput widget on the edit profile page and edit project page so that you can tag yourself and your projects with tech:* and topic:* tags that link to the home page sidebar

Update #9

New homepage design launched! Now featuring project updates front-and-center, a tag-based directory for members and projects, and a new checkin system based on events and projects that you don't have to remember to check out of!

Update #3

Some recent minor changes:

  • Created checkout-all tool for admins
  • Moved navbar source to unified site.tpl and cleaned up formatting
  • Checked-in people on homepage now have mouseover tooltips with their names
  • Homepage now features latest member, next meetup, and CfA pitch
  • Default avatar is liberty bell now