


Currently, roughly three groups of people are being held in local jails:

  • those serving short sentences
  • those held on cash bail
  • those held by the probation department pre hearing

In light of Covid 19, a group of advocates and attorneys from the city’s two bail funds, the #no215jail Coalition, Media Mobilizing Project, & ACLU of PA, are rapidly working to find ways to gain release of all those on local county jail who do not need to be there. The District Attorney’s Office (DAO), the Public Defender (PD), the Philly Police Department (PPD) recognize the need to move most of these people—who are not a risk to society—out of jail, so they can be home with their children and families.

The goal of this project is to gather volunteers who can support attorneys and legal justice workers in..

  • identifying people who are eligible for release from jail
  • linking them with attorneys who can file motions on their behalf (given the thousands of people in jails, the hope is this can be done through auto-populating template motions).
  • assist with generating motions for eligible people and e-filing these motions.

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