Unlock Philly
Update #6
Other UnlockPhilly.com news:-
- We're now tracking elevator outage start/end times and building a history of outages by stop/station. It's possible to see length of time since outage began and once we get more history built up we'd like to plot something similar to GitHub timeline graph that shows history of outages by station.
- Today is global accessibility awareness day; there is an event tonight at Comcast http://www.meetup.com/Philly-Accessibility-Meetup/events/181951312/ and at the end of the month a #hack4access Hackathon where we'll be hacking on new features http://www.meetup.com/Technically-Philly/events/182002002/
- We'd like to build features into the site to make the map accessible for blind people; if anyone has ideas or would like to get involved, get in touch!