
Hi Friends,

I want to share with you a civic initiative called Cypher Philly(The Wiki). Jason Cox and I came up with the Idea almost a year ago now. We’ve been working on this project in our spare time with Code for Philly community members and members from our Meetup Group Philly Graph DB.

For the past few months, we’ve been working on a Lenfest Innovation grant. We were recently notified that we were finalists and then last week it was announced that we were one of the 6 awardees for the grant!

We’re so excited to further the development of this initiative and our open source data journalism project. In an effort to explore what civic categories and topics are most pressing to improve the city and citizens lives we’ve started a new meetup series call Data Graphs 4 Good. The inspiration for this meetup series comes from Graphs4good: Building a Better World With Connected Data; a concept we learned about from Neo4j at last year’s Graph Connect conference.

In the pursuit of connecting even more data for good here in Philadelphia, we wanted to take this concept and apply it to Philadelphia’s open data. We’re planning on bringing together a diverse field of individuals and organizations who want to share industry-specific data practices and collection methods.

Our goal is to bringing together multidisciplinary experts to start an open dialogue on how we can build better and more connected Data Graphs 4 Good. We hope you can join us in this series-opening event.

This Meetup series is in collaboration with Code For Philly, Linode, Neo4j, Data Philly meetup groups, and more.

We’ll be hosting a panel of experts from the city of Philadelphia’s, Artists against Violence, Animal Rescue, Journalists from the Philadelphia ecosystem and several other industry experts.