Yarn Strong Sista
About Me
Hello! I'm the heart and soul behind Yarn Strong Sista, embodying 20 years of dedication to enriching lives through aboriginal early childhood education. My journey has led me to specialise in bringing vibrant storytelling and art workshops directly into early childhood environments, igniting young minds with the richness of First Nations cultures. Spearheading professional development for educators and crafting engaging arts experiences, I bring communities together with face painting and arts at festivals and events. My website offers an extensive range of First Nations-designed educational tools and resources, including artefacts, dolls, music, books, games, and more. Moreover, I tailor programs for primary and secondary students and support aboriginal and torres strait islander communities. Additionally, I lead three innovative projects: Foregrounding Antibias Perspectives Yarn Strong Brutha Enterprise for Empowerment At Yarn Strong Sista, my mission is to weave a tapestry of knowledge and understanding that stretches far beyond the early years, nurturing a future where every child can thrive in the richness of Aboriginal culture and heritage.