2023 Launchpad kick-off event at City Hall
2023 Launchpad kick-off event at City Hall

Depending on the day, we all need a free place to pass the time, meet with friends or learn a new skill. Thanks to Code for Philly, there are three new civic tech projects already working towards connecting Philadelphians with that perfect spot.

Third Places are physical and digital spaces where we socialize outside of the home and work. Examples include parks, cafes, libraries, bookstores, and community centers. These places with low barriers to entry are essential for accessing education and social interaction. However, many Third Places don’t have the funding or resources to reach their target audiences. That’s where Code for Philly comes in.

Code for Philly Launchpad 2023: Third Places, the month-long hackathon event, kicked off in late April with a brainstorming session and project-building workshop centered around finding technical solutions for Third Places in Philadelphia. Out of those two jam-packed days, three projects emerged: The Library Application Project, PhilaVibes, and the Billy Events Application.

Over the past month, each project team worked towards demoing an open-source solution at the Launchpad project showcase at Indy Hall. Below is a breakdown of each project, its stage of development, and how to get involved or contribute.

The Library Application Project

The Library Application Project is a mobile application that will increase awareness of public library resources through an optimized web experience.

  • Project Goal: Increase awareness of public library resources with an optimized, open-source mobile application.
  • Stage: Bootstrapping
  • Get Involved: Visit the Library Application Project webpage to learn more and get connected


PhilaVibes is a map application that will feature points surrounded by word clouds describing third places. The user can choose to see spaces around them, along their route, or around their destination.

  • Project Goal: Help people in Philadelphia find a comfortable place to rest between destinations
  • Stage: Bootstrapping
  • Get Involved: Visit the PhilaVibes Project webpage to learn more and get connected

The Billy Events Application

The Billy Events Application is an AI-powered event discovery platform made to find information and refine those results easily.

  • Project Goal: Easily connect event seekers, planners, and organizers with information on local events.
  • Stage: Bootstrapping
  • Get Involved: Check the Code for Philly Active Projects webpage for updates on getting involved with The Billy Events Application