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New to Volunteering?

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FYI - All our Projects 101 content is open source. Submit your own pull request to make it better with your own suggestions!

Remember, you’re a part of a national community of civic hackers

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Looking for our Code for Philly Civic Cloud hosting information?

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Philadelphia Bail Fund Interactive Data Portal Prototyping

Philadelphia Bail Fund (PBF) is a revolving fund that posts bail for people who are indigent and cannot afford bail. Our goal is to keep families and communities together and vigorously advocate for the end to cash bail in Philadelphia.

This project aims to provide up to date reports and visualizations on bail, and to track over time its adverse impacts on different populations (e.g. its impact on poorer areas, based on race, or those in jails during the covid 19 pandemic). These reports can educate the public and hold decision makers accountable.

They currently obtain…

 Public Site

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Original Idea:

To see the underlying resource data, look at the networkofcare_lat_lng.csv within the /data folder.
